Monday, January 29, 2007

Paths and things


Nice to hear about what your thinking about making work about Sean. A plastic crow! cool. Hows that going to fit in, are you going to look at it and think, hmmmm, what can i do with this? anyway. Is their much evidence of making or messing around with things in the villa? I mean, what kind of stage are people at. maybe i don't want to know until i get out there, anyway, just thinking out loud (and then typing it).

At the moment i'm getting excited about how are different working practices are going to come together, or, more to the point, just learning a bit more about how we work. I feel the making and the processes i go through are where my ideas come from, so hearing about how people make their art is cool.

Jay and I had a good chat at the royal standard on friday. We talked about what film means to us and how we go about making work. I've been doing some big 2m square(ish) charcoal drawings. Kind of giant doodles without looking at the big picture or where the piece is going. Instead focusing on each little bit, kind of one after the other. Looking at my footsteps close up, but not the big path i've taken (to get it into a bit of a travel vibe there). If i step back from the piece (and see the whole thing)...well, then i say the picture is finished. It's tyring to eliminate a designery feel from my work..., focus on the moment. when i do step back, it's like, wow, i went there, and this bit here makes sense with this bit over there, and that bit i thought was a bit blunt actually balances this it all come together in the end. or more to the point it's not about it comming together in the end and being right, more it's about looking and observing something that was made through following ones nose. ......theres a bit of studio sketch book ramble for you.

looking at the drawings they talk about music, cities, paths, hills and things relate to each other.

(oh yeah, i watched that film, pretty full on, lots and lots of long slow shots of the utah desert where these two guys get lost, hardly any dialogue, very open ended. It felt like they got lost for no reason.

take care


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