We had our first proper meeting with Judith and the other artists here at the Villa on Sunday afternoon. It was just going over the basics really, talking about the truck a bit, about the time scale for this part of the project, and about some of the things we might be doing - the performance nights Judith mentioned in Liverpool (10th + 24th Feb) and a possible exhibition space which there will be more info about later. We also had a chat about various people's experience of migration and migrant cultures which was interesting - Thomas is very clued up about the history of the Balkan countries which is fascinating, and Olivia talked about her practical work with Gypsy communities in Arls where she lives. We also had a great conversation about migratory habits of animals and how they have affected peoples' movement across continents - I think any project I develop will have this kind of idea at its heart.
The truck is currently with a technician who is transforming it from a bicycle-carrier-thing and will be here in the driveway soon. It was decided that there will be a meeting every Sunday with Judith to continue conversations about the truck.
Ok - to answer some of Jay's pratical questions: (asked in her comment on post No.1)
- What to bring materials-wise depends on what you want to do! There's basically nothing here - each apartment has a (basic) computer and there is a photocopier we can use, but that's all. There is, however, an amazing art/office/stationary shop in on 5 floors in Munich which is far far better than anything in Liverpool or Manchester - so if you forget anything you should be able to find it.
- There are no editing facilities on the computer - it's a PC with windows and is a bit old - only really good for internet access. There is wireless in the Villa so if you have a laptop I would bring it.
- The Villa is really easy to get to and is about one and a half hours from the airport over two trains - one into the city centre and one back out the other side. The station in the village is very close to the Villa - 10mins walk. To get the train into Munich takes about 35 mins but seems very quick and easy.
- There hasn't been much talk of working collaboratively except in making decisions about the truck. But it's early days...
- There haven't been workshops - all the lessons learned have been self-taught!
- The apartment has two bedrooms which makes life easy for sharing!
- We've been to Munich quite a lot. It's nice and German and we found a MUJI where I bought a much needed new bag. It's nice to read on the train.
- No update with Ian really - he popped in to say goodbye. He is putting a lump of money into my account to cover some production - the amount hasn't been specified exactly - I'll let you know (and give you your share! when I get it).
Things feel like they're settling down a bit now - people are relaxing and starting to work and it feels good. We're quite aware that time is going very fast - I'm looking forward to making some work!
Yesterday I learnt the difference between crows, jackdaws and rooks.
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