Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Tomas arrived today so now we are six and all here. We got to know each other... downstairs!... over a glass of wine amid calls of 'sante' and 'cheese' which was not quite right- so replaced quickly by 'chairs'! The clinking of glasses happens every time anyone refills their glass and is observed by all.

This is the first time we've ventured into the spacious and grand ground floor rooms, apart from a brief escapade made only by Sean and I when we discovered the electric (and very loud) piano. It later became apparent that no-one had heard the racket we made, electric beats etc, as the walls are so thick they seem to be fairly impenetrable by sound. When we arrived it took us almost 2 full days to realise anyone else was here, only to discover we were the last but one to arrive!

Towards the end of the evening Tomas disappeared and when he came back produced a round tin which he ceremoniously placed in the centre of the table and opened to reveal a thick white sticky substance. We all stood back open mouthed, wondering what kind of turn the activity was about to take. (NB. Edgar was demonstrating the use of snuff the other night)
Tomas excitedly exclaimed " You can make some sculptures!"
It's a fancy plasticine from the Czeck Republic.

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